Cudley Corner Child Care Centre will ensure that all centres operate in compliance with all applicable health and safety procedures and the recommendations of our Public Health department, and licensing requirements from the Ministry of Education. All policies and procedures will be reviewed with staff and training will be conducted prior to staff returning to work to ensure all sanitization procedures are followed on a daily bases.
Screening Policy
In order to reduce the risk of Covid-19, Cudley Corner Child Care centre will be conducting a health screening prior to all employees, children, clients and any essential persons entering the childcare premises.
Cudley Corner Child Care centre will be setting up a screening station placed outside of the front entrance if weather permits, however, on rainy days it will be situated at the front entrance. The staff that is conducting the screening will be wearing personal protective equipment which consists of a face mask, and a face shield or goggles. We will maintain a two-metre distance between staff and the person being screened. There will be visual guidance (bright coloured tape or a pylon on the floor to provide visual social distancing.) Staff members will be trained on conducting the screening tool. Hand sanitizer will be placed at the screening station out of children’s reach.
Every employee, child and essential worker will be screened prior to entering the childcare Centre. We will have one staff member that is conducting the screening, and then either the centre supervisor or staff member will take the child to their designated room. At this time parents are not permitted to enter the premises. There will be no visitors, students or volunteers- only essential visitors (Health department, Ministry of Education, Fire department) will be allowed in the child care centre after they have been screened.
When arriving to the centre’s front door, parents will ring the doorbell and a staff member will answer the door, screen the child and the educator will take the child to their classroom. We ask parents to monitor the entrance when arriving. If there is already a family being screened, please wait in your car until the entrance is clear.
When coming to pick up your children, please ring the doorbell, a staff member will acknowledge you, then proceed to retrieve your child from their classroom and bring them to you at the front entrance.
Staff Screening
The first staff to enter the Child Care centre will complete a self screening at home and ensure they are well enough to report to work, and once at work the results will be documented on the screening log. The centre supervisor or designate will conduct screening for all staff. Any staff members that arrive at the centre and who do not pass the criteria for the screening questions will be asked to return home immediately. Covid-19 testing will be required for any staff experiencing symptoms before returning to work. The centre supervisor or designate will contact public health and notify them of a potential Covid-19 case. Staff will remain off work until symptoms have been resolved and a negative test has been confirmed. Any staff who may have been exposed to a confirmed case of Covid-19 or symptomatic person will be asked to remain off work for 14 days.
In the event that a staff member becomes ill while on premises, staff should isolate themselves as quickly as possible until they are able to leave the centre. Staff must wear a face mask and shield if displaying symptoms. Covid-19 testing will be required for any staff displaying symptoms before returning to work. Staff must remain off work until symptoms are fully resolved and a negative test has been confirmed. If the staff member tests negative, they should not return to work until 24 hours symptom-free have passed.
Child Screening
Once the screening process is completed for a child, and the parent/guardian has answered “No” to all questions, a designated staff member will come and take the child to the designated room. If a child is showing symptoms of Covid-19 or they have answered “Yes” to any of the screening questions or refuse to answer, they have then failed the screening and cannot enter the building. In these cases, children would not be allowed to return until the centre supervisor or designate has contacted Public Health for advice as to Next steps.
If Cudley Corner Child Care becomes aware of a confirmed case of Covid-19 for any individual that attends the centre, the centre Supervisor will notify Public Health, our Program advisor Ina DeMelo, and the Halton Region. We will submit a Serious Occurrence to the Ministry of Education and follow all direction from the Ministry and Public Health. Cudley Corner will immediately conduct a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the centre by a professional cleaning company.
The centre supervisor will also notify parents of any confirmed cases of COVID and/or an outbreak by email, verbally or phone call and inform them of next steps according to the direction given from Public Health or the Ministry of Education.
Management of Children with Symptoms of Covid-19
Any child with any new or worsening symptoms of Covid-19 will be immediately removed from the classroom and separated from others in a designated space until they can go home. The parent/guardian will be asked to pick up their child immediately. The centre supervisor or designate will notify Public Health and follow all directions provided. Where possible, staff that are providing care for the symptomatic child will keep a 2-metre distance and will wear a mask, shield, and gloves for their protection. Staff will keep the child comfortable by providing a cot and toys. Staff will clean and disinfect the cot, all toys and the area after the child leaves. Children sent home that show symptoms must stay home until:
*They receive a negative Covod-19 test result
* They receive an alternate diagnosis by a health care professional, or
* It has been 10 days since their last symptom onset and they are feeling better
Isolation requirement for household contact of symptomatic individuals
As of February 12th, 2021, the Ministry of Health has issued updated guidance to public health units regarding COVID-19 variants of concern. This is being applied to children, childcare staff. If anyone in their household has new or worsening symptoms of COVID-19 and has been recommended for isolation and testing, all asymptomatic household contacts of symptomatic individuals are required to quarantine until the symptomatic household member:
• Receives a negative COVID-19 test result, or
• Receives an alternative diagnosis by a health care professional
If the symptomatic individual tests positive, or is not tested and does not receive an alterative diagnosis from a health care professional, the symptomatic individual must isolate (including from household members) for 10 days from symptom onset, and all household contacts must isolate until 14 days from their last contact with the symptomatic individual.
Attendance Records
Cudley Corner Child Care will maintain daily records of anyone that enters the facility and the approximate length of their stay. This includes cleaners, anyone doing maintenance work, people providing support for children with special needs, and those delivering food. The logbook will be kept on premises.
Maximum Group Size
The maximum cohort size for each room will be no more than 15 children based on the square footage of the licenced space. Staff are NOT included in this number but will be considered part of the cohort that stays together (e.g 15 preschoolers + 2 staff). The only exception to this number is special needs resource consultants.
Each Cohort must stay together throughout the day and are not permitted to mix with other cohorts. Cudley Corner Child Care will maintain the Ratios that are set out under CCEYA. Mixed
age grouping and reduced ratios are permitted where a director’s approval has been granted on the license.
Cudley Corner Child Care Centre will assign staff to specific cohorts. We will try our absolute best to limit assigned staff to each room with minimal movement between staff and rooms. Our Centre Supervisor and Director will limit their movement between rooms, while only attending when absolutely necessary. Staff will have staggard shifts in order to minimize congestion at the front entrance.
Occupational Health and Safety
If a staff member is suspected to have or has been diagnosed with Covid-19, the staff member will remain off work until symptoms are fully resolved and a negative lab test has been confirmed. The childcare supervisor will consult with Public Health to determine the next steps and when the staff can return to work.
If the staff member’s illness is determined to be work-related: in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulation, an employer must provide written notice within four days of being advised that a worker has an occupational illness, including an occupationally-acquired infection. The Ministry of Labour and Health and Safety representative will be notified.
Sanitary Precautions
Hand Washing
Childcare staff will frequently engage themselves and children in hand washing throughout the day. They will also ensure that each person washes their hands during the following times:
* When children enter the premises after drop off or outdoor time
* After children use the washroom/ or assisted with a diaper change
* Before preparing or handling food, or assisting children with feeding
* After eating or drinking
* After touching their own or someone else’s face
* After blowing nose, coughing or sneezing
* After helping children blow their nose
* After contact with any bodily fluids (runny nose, vomit, spit, blood etc.)
* After taking out the garbage or any other cleaning tasks
* After the use of shared toys or after hands are dirty
* Handling soiled laundry or dishes
* After touching any items that have been soiled, mouthed contact
* After touching commonly touched surfaces
Cudley Corner Child Care staff will assist children to ensure hand washing is done so correctly. Staff will role model the following steps for proper hand washing:
1) Wet Hands
2) Apply soap
3) Rub soap on hands for at least 20 seconds (staff will count to 20)
4) Rinse well under warm water
5) Dry hands with paper towel and turn taps off with paper towel
When hands are not visibly soiled, hand sanitizer containing 60%-90% alcohol may be used in the following steps:
1) Apply Hand sanitizer
2) Rub hands together for at least 15 seconds
3) Ensure children rub the sanitizer between fingers, back of the hand, fingertips and nails
4) Rub hands together until dry
Staff will ensure that enough hand washing supplies are available prior to them starting their shift.
Glove Use
Gloves must be worn during the washroom routine and when assisting or changing diapers. Gloves are for single use only and proper hand hygiene must be practised before and after the use of gloves. Gloves also must be worn when coming in contact with any bodily fluids or contaminated materials.
Employees must wear gloves when sanitizing toys. Whether that be spraying and air drying, or emerging them in a diluted disinfectant.
A mask and reusable shield will be provided to every staff at the beginning of their shift and we recommend the use of it to protect yourselves and those around you. Use is highly recommended during the time that 2 metres of physical distance is not possible. Masks are mandatory when dealing with a child that may have a possible Covid-19 case, or if the staff themselves have become sick. Masks and a shield is also mandatory in the screening area. A mask should also be used when dealing with bodily fluid. When using a mask, you should wash your hands before donning the masks and before and after removing the masks. Masks are not recommended for children under the age of 2.
The use of masks is not required outdoors for adults or children if physical distancing of a least 2 metres can be maintained between individuals. Exceptions to wearing masks indoors could include circumstances where a physical distance of at least 2 metres can be maintained between individuals, situations where a child cannot tolerate wearing a mask, reasonable exemptions for medical conditions, etc
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Cudley Corner Child Care will engage in frequent cleaning on a daily basis. We will follow all health department regulations and any recommendations for best practise for cleaning and disinfecting. All frequently touched objects such as doorknobs/handles, light switches, faucets, tables, toilets etc. will be disinfected at least twice a day.
Use soap and water to clean surfaces. Remove solution using paper towel and ensure that the surface is fully dry.
Staff will use 1:9 bleach and water solution prepared daily to disinfect (250ml/1 cup of household bleach to 2250ml/9 Cups of water). Staff may also use a diluted disinfectant that has a DIN number such as Lysol or disinfecting alcohol spray that will be provided by the operator.
The following items will be frequently cleaned and disinfected as environmental contamination is higher due to Covod-19:
• Tables and countertops used for food preparation must be cleaned and sanitized prior to and after each use
• Handwashing sinks and toilets must be sanitized after each use
• Shared items will be sanitized after each child is done with the item
• High touch surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches and faucets will be sanitized twice a day
• All toys will be made of material that can be easily and properly disinfected. Toys will be sanitized daily and after each use if they are shared toys. Soft and plush toys have all been removed and are not permitted in the childcare centre
• Equipment such as shelves and cubbies will be sanitized daily
• Shared items such as tablets, attendance binders, telephones will be sanitized between use.
• Sensory tables will remain closed and sensory activity will not occur. If individual sensory is provided such as playdough, hands must be washed prior to and after each use and then the item will be discarded
• Water bottles will all be labeled and disinfected daily
• Bedsheets will be washed on site. Soiled items will be sent home to be washed
• Floor will be swept and disinfected as required (Such as during spills after lunch)
• Outdoor play equipment will be disinfected prior to use. Riding toys will be disinfected between uses. All shared items such as balls will be put away.
All children that are required to sleep will be assigned a cot. Cots will be placed to support physical distancing practises. If the space is tight, children will be placed head-to-toe. Cots will be disinfected after each use. Sheets and blankets will be laundered daily. All blankets will be sent home at the end of the week.
Meals and Snack Preparation and Serving:
Lunches will be catered by Wholesome Kids. Our food will be delivered to the premises and handled in accordance with the health requirements. Staff that are handling the food will
ensure all hand hygiene is followed and that gloves are worn prior to handling the food. All food will be prepared in the kitchen by a staff with a Food Handlers Certificate.
All meals will be served in a food prep area or on food trollies out of reach of children. All meals and snacks will be plated for each individual child. Utensils will be used to serve all food. Family style eating or meal serving will not take place. Activities involving children to help serve meals will no longer take place.
Physical Distance Measures
Cudley Corner Child Care will try its best to maintain physical distancing, but it may not always be possible in a child care setting, especially as children require additional support. We will ensure that all cohorts use the playground at separate times and that there is not more than one group out at a time per area. If playgrounds are large enough to accommodate multiple groups, the playground may be divided with physical markers to ensure cohorts remain separated by at least 2 metres. Play structure can only be used by one cohort at a time and will be disinfected before and after each use. We will have visual signs posted throughout the centre to remind children of the importance of keeping the proper distance during lining up to move to other activities, washroom routine, or outdoor time. Cudley Corner staff will try to avoid activities involving direct contact between children as much as possible. This includes holding hands, cuddling each other, and avoiding all face-to-face contact. Staff will post visual signs to limit the number of children in each area. Large rooms can be divided into multiple spaces. When dividing a room, there will be clear barriers such as large easels with clear plexiglass, pylons or tables to ensure a minimum of 2 metres distance between groups. Staff will also avoid singing activities while indoors. Where possible, Cudley Corner will move activities outside as much as possible to allow more space. Where toys and equipment is shared, the equipment will be disinfected between each use.
Interactions with Toddlers
We recognise physical distancing will be difficult for Toddlers our staff will support physical distancing by planning activities that do not involve sharing items. Having a limited number of children in each area, having assigned seating during mealtimes. When Cudley Corner Staff are holding a Toddler Cudley Corner staff will place a blanket over their clothing and change blankets in between holding Children. Children will not share any food utensils, bottles or sippy cups. Sippy Cups will be labelled and placed out of children’s reach to ensure accidental sharing does not take place. Water will be frequently offered to the children throughout the day. During nap time the cots will be placed to support physical distancing and where not possible children will sleep head to toe.
Serious Occurrence reporting
Cudley Corner Child Care will submit a Serious Occurrence report for any confirmed Covid-19 cases. We will contact our local health department and follow any requirements or recommendations provided. A copy of the serious occurrence report will be posted as required by CCEYA.
Cudley Corner childcare has made the decision not be administer any fever reducing medication during the pandemic. Any child that has a fever during screening will not be allowed in the program. Any child that develops a fever while in program will be removed immediately and parent/Guardian must pick up.
Meetings/Group Events
Any meetings that need to take place with third parties, i.e. Quality First, will be conducted either by a zoom call or a phone call. If parents request to have a meeting, the supervisor will schedule a time to zoom meet or follow with a phone call. All pre-planned group events (summer camp, March Break, Christmas break) will be cancelled and be rescheduled once able to do so. The information will be shared to parents either by email or phone call.